Open Readings 2017
Three SELECTA ESRs, namely Aliona Nicolenco (VU), Antonio Mulone (CHALMERS) and Mónica Fernández (IFW), participated in the “Open Readings 2017” (60th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences) which took place in Vilnius on 14-17 March 2017. This meeting was intended as an international academic platform for young researchers from all over the world to present their ongoing research results in the fields of physics and natural sciences. Each of the three ESRs presented a poster showing their latest results obtained within the framework of the SELECTA network (see below). In addition, they took the opportunity to discuss, learn, share their scientific experience and attend lectures provided by top-class experts of the field such as: John Ellis, Ben Feringa (Nobel prize winner in chemistry 2016), Naomi Halas, etc. To get further details on the activities of the event see below: “Open Readings 2017 program”.
SELECTA Mid-term review meeting and Workshop organized by CHALMERS
The SELECTA Mid-term review meeting and Workshop was held on 5-9 December 2016 in Goteborg, Sweden. All the ESRs and at least one representative of each Beneficiary and Associated partners participated in the meeting. During the Workshop, entitled: “Bridging innovation and entrepreneurship with sustainable materials development”, the ESRs attended several lectures on sustainability, innovation and the EBSD technique. The training in soft skills, provided to the ESRs by Chalmers Ventures, was focused on innovation aspects. In turn, the ESRs presented their latest results and they prepared the presentations for the Project Officer. A lab tour was also scheduled to show the facilities of Chalmers University of Technology.
The Mid-term review meeting started on Thursday at 14:00. After the introduction by the Project Officer, a representative of each of the SELECTA partners presented their institution and their role within the network. Then, the Coordinator, the Training Manager and the Project Manager presented the network and the mid-term report covering scientific, training, networking and management aspects. Subsequently, the SELECTA fellows introduced themselves and presented their project, training activities and results obtained so far. On Friday, the Project Officer met the ESRs altogether in a session to discuss administrative, supervision, training and integration issues. Afterwards, the partners also met the Project Officer to tackle financial and management aspects. Finally, the Project Officer provided her feedback concerning the performance of the network to all the participants.
Mid-Term review meeting and Workshop organized by CHALMERS
The next event of the SELECTA network will be the Mid-term review meeting and Workshop entitled “Bridging innovation and entrepreneurship with sustainable materials development”. The meeting will be organized by CHALMERS and it will be held on December 5th-9th at Gothenburg, Sweeden. The SELECTA ESRs will present their progress and scientific and soft skills training will be provided to them. Besides, during the Mid-term review meeting the overall progress of the project will be presented to the Project Officer and the ESRs will have the opportunity to meet her. In turn, the Project Officer will evaluate and provide feedback concerning the performance of the network. Please take into account that attendance is mandatory for all the SELECTA ESRs and at least one scientist-in-charge from each partner institution. The following link should be used to register and pay the registration fees until November 20th 2016: Also, see below the agenda of the event and the hotel booking information.
3rd SELECTA Workshop (HP, Austria)
The SELECTA Workshop entitled: “Micro and nano-electrodeposition for MEMS/NEMS and micro/nano-robotic platforms. Overview of lithography methods. Impact to society”, organized by HP was held on 29-31 August 2016 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The main goal of the Workshop was to train the ESRs in the following scientific topics: (i) Magneto-electrochemistry, (ii) Sputtering techniques and applications, (iii) Laser induced electrochemistry, (iv) Pulse plating and pulse reverse plating and (v) MEMS/NEMS for biochemical applications. Training in soft skills on writing scientific papers and interpreting referee reports and decision letters was also provided. Importantly, the SELECTA ESRs delivered 20 minutes presentations to show their project progress. After each presentation the members of the network had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss in detail the results and the future plans (20 minutes). During the management session the senior researchers fully discussed the future steps of the project, such as the preparation of the Mid-Term review meeting, the Periodic Report and the implementation of the secondments.
3rd SELECTA Workshop organized by HP (Austria)
The SELECTA Workshop entitled “Micro and nano-electrodeposition for MEMS/NEMS and micro/nano-robotic platforms. Overview of lithography methods. Impact to society” organized by HP (Happy Plating) will be held on 29-31 August 2016 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The SELECTA ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) will deliver oral presentations to explain their scientific progress and they will be trained in the following scientific topics: (i) electrochemical and laser micro-machining for sustainable MEMS/NEMS and (ii) bioengineering and biomicrorobotics. The compulsory training in soft skills of this Workshop will consist in: science communication in media, business and research and outreach activities.Please, find attached information concerning the registration fees, the accommodation and the programme of the event.
[ Workshop Registration Fees ]
13th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN16)
The SELECTA ESR from UOI (University of Ioannina), Carla Cutrano, participated in the “13th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnoligies (NN16)” which was held on 5-8 July 2016, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The objectives of the conference focused mainly on the latest advances on N&N by hosting scientific discussions between experts from different disciplines, promoting the innovative ideas and products from different geographical areas worldwide, starting new collaborations in R&D related with N&N, synchronizing the scientific and community sectors with the new research developments and the benefits from the multidisciplinarity of the N&N fields. Carla Cutrano presented her research work in the framework of the SELECTA project through a poster entitled: “Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of CuFe nanoclusters by density functional theory”.
SELECTA training seminar: computational studies of metallic-hybridic materials
On the 4th May 2016, Prof. Christina E Lekka from University of Ioannina (UoI) presented the SELECTA training seminar «Computational studies of metallic-hybridic materials» which took place in the Sala de Graus 2, Facultat de Ciències, Department of Physics of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Computational studies of metallic materials at different length scales were presented, aiming to train the SELECTA UAB’s early stage researchers (ESRs), to transfer the knowledge and to disseminate the UoI’s ERS (C. Cutrano) calculations in order to trigger fruitful discussions and collaborations within the project’s partners. Simulations of Cu and Al-based surfaces and FeCu coating were shown while their potential role for environmentally sustainable applications under the SELECTA project’s requirements were also discussed.
Chemistry and Chemical Technology 2016, International Conference of Lithuanian Society of Chemistry
The VU (Vilnius University) team presented their latest research results in the framework of the SELECTA project at the Chemistry & Chemical Technology 2016 | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF LITHUANIAN SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY, which was held on 28-29 April 2016, at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania. The goal of the conference was to gather together scientists to discuss different topics in modern electrochemical, chemical and technological research. Prof. Henrikas Cesiulis gave a lecture about “Electrodeposition of Co-W alloys from macro- to nano- scale”. In turn, the SELECTA ESR, Aliona Nicolenco, presented a poster entitled: “New electrolyite for Fe-W alloys electrodeposition”. See below the abstracts of the VU team presentations.
2nd SELECTA Workshop organized by IFW (Germany)
The SELECTA Workshop entitled: “Training on research methodologies, characterization techniques and reporting scientific results” was held on 6-10 March 2016 at IFW (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research), Dresden, Germany. During the Workshop the ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) presented their project progress and their future plans in talks of 20 min duration. They also attended training lectures on the following scientific topics: (i) structural characterization of materials: diffraction/imaging techniques, (ii) mechanical behavior of electrodeposited films and micro/nanostructures, (iii) corrosion and wear resistance of electrodeposited metallic coatings, (iv) tribocorrosion and (v) nanomagnetism and spintronic devices. Besides, training on how to deliver “effective oral presentations” was also provided to the ESRs. The knowledge acquired by the ESRs was evaluated at the end of the meeting. The successful completion of the Workshop was awarded with 2 credits as “mandatory training” and 1 credit as “training is soft skills”. In turn, the senior researchers discussed several important aspects concerning the management of the network: (i) secondments implementation, (ii) dissemination of the project, (iii) consortium management, (iv) financial distribution and (iv) scientific projects.
SELECTA Workshop organized by IFW (Dresden)
The second SELECTA Workshop entitled “Training on research methodologies, characterization techniques and reporting scientific results” will be held on 6-10 March 2016 at IFW (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research), Dresden. The 15 ESRs of the network will present their project progress and they will attend to several lectures, as part of their compulsory training. The main scientific topics of the seminars will be: (i) structural characterization: diffraction/imaging techniques, (ii) Mechanical behavior of electrodeposited films and micro/nanostructures, (iii) Corrosion and wear resistance of electrodeposited metallic coatings, (iv) Tribocorrosion and (v) Nanomagnetism and spintronic devices. In addition training on “effective oral presentations” will also be provided to the ESRs, as part of their compulsory training in soft skills. Please, find attached information regarding registration, fees, hotel booking and the agenda of the event.
[ Click here to see the detailed Agenda ]