Recruitment/Training strategy & Managerial issues (2 days)UAB
"Fundamentals of electrodeposition of metallic alloys: state-of-the-art at European and International levels" (5 days)
Mandatory training (2 credits/ESR)
FINK, ETHZ, EMPA, UAB, VU, CHAL, INRIMBasic Electrodeposition methods for the growth of sustainable amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys. Dr. S. Pané, ETHZ Dr. H. Cesiulis, VU Dr. L. Philippe, EMPA. "Electrochemical synthesis of porous alloys for environmental applications" Dr. E. Pellicer, UAB Dr. P. Rizzi, INRIM. Training in Metrology, Calibration and Standards
Dr. P. Tiberto, INRIM *TSS: (organized by FINK in collaboration with EURAXESS) (1 credit/ESR)
( of research, bridging scientific research environment between Eastern and Western Europe; exchange of experience, ‘best practices’ and establishing synergies between SELECTA and other European Training and Cooperative Actions, e.g., “European Cooperation in Science and Technology” (COST) or the “Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency” (EACEA).
"Training on research methodologies, characterization techniques and reporting scientific results" (5 days)LIFW , CHAL, CITEDEC, FINK, IFW, UCAM, Mandatory Training (2 credits/ESR)
Structural characterization: diffraction/imaging techniques Prof. U. Klement, CHAL Mechanical behavior of electrodeposited films and micro / nanostructures Dr. J. Fornell, UAB
Dr. L. Philippe, EMPA
Prof. C.A. Schuh, MIT
Corrosion and wear resistance of electrodeposited metallic coatings
Dr. E. García-Lecina, CIDETECTribocorrosion
Dr. F. Zivic, FINK.Micromagnetics and magnetic properties of electrodeposited materials Prof. J. Sort, UAB Dr. A. Bollero *NA: Visit to IFW. Oral presentations by ESRs. Practical Training in electrochemical corrosion and nanomechanical characterization.
**TSS: (organized by IFW & Principiae) ( (1 credit/ESR)Interactive Training on "Effective Communication" Dr. Jean-Luc Doumont, Principiae (1 day): how to make successful oral presentations, written documents, use of visual displays
HP, ETHZ, IFW, Mandatory Training (2 credits/ESR)
"Micro and nano-electrodeposition for MEMS/NEMS and micro/nano-robotic platforms. Overview of lithography methods. Impact to society" (5 days)
Magneto-electrochemistry Dr. M. Uhlemann, IFW MEMS/NEMS for biochemical applications Dr. D. Ahmed, ETHZ Sputtering techniques and applications
Dr. Z. Barber, UCAMPulse plating and pulse reverse plating Dr. W. Hansal, HP Laser induced electrochemistry Prof. Dr. W. Kautek *NA: Oral presentations by ESRs.
**TSS: (Prof. A. L. Greer) (1 credit/ESR)Meet an editor
Prof. A.L. Greer, UCAM, Ed. Philos. Mag. Writing scientific papers, interpreting referee reports and decision letters; Ethical issues in publishing
"Bridging innovation and entrepreneurship with sustainable materials development" (6 days)CHAL , ETHZ, ELEOSS
(organized by CHAL in collaboration with GMV): Mandatory Training (3 credits/ESR):
"Sustainability awareness for researchers − experiences and practical examples" Prof. Björn Johansson (CHAL) "What you also need to consider to make innovation out of promising research results" Prof. Peter Leisner (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden) "The role of sustainable materials and Agenda 2030" Prof. K. Gårdfeldt, Director GMV
"Introduction to EBSD technique"Dr. Dr. Yiming Yao (CHAL) *NA: Visit to GMV. Oral presentations by ESRs. Practical Training on EBSD. Meeting between the ESRs and the Officer from the Research Executive Agency (EC).
**TSS: organized by the Coordinator and CHAL, in collaboration with "Chalmers Innovation" ( (1 credit/ESR)Entrepreneurship: how to create spin-off, how to bring innovation to market, marketing strategy, quality control, certification, standardization. "Innovation aspects" André Kelkkanen (Chalmers Ventures)
"Gateway to Academics: Materials modeling for target applications""Fundamentals of electrodeposition of metallic alloys: state-of-the-art at European and International levels" (5 days)
Mandatory Training (4 credits/ESR): (8 days)
UOI, UCAM, FINK, YRComputational Methods in Materials Science Prof. C. Lekka, UOI Optimizing Materials Designs for robust MEMS/NEMS Prof. A.L. Greer, UCAM Nanostructured lightweight Al alloys – processing for properties"
Prof. J. Eckert, University of Leoben Properties optimization of Ti-based biomaterials by structural design Prof. M. Calin , IFW Characterization of heterostructures arising by thermally and catalytically induced transformation of diamond surfaces Prof. T. Waitz , University of Vienna Thermo-mechanical finite element modeling of Shape Memory Alloys Prof. V. Dunic , FINK FEM basics and practical example: Influence of strain rate, temperature and adiabatic heating on mechanical behavior of 3D printed shape memory polymer PLA – Experimental and modelling analyses Dr. V. Slavkovic, FINK Opto-Electronic properties of graphene by Tight Binding Prof. E. Lidorikis, UOI Materials modelling by Molecular Dynamics Prof. D. Papageorgiou, UOI *NA: Visit to UOI. Poster presentations by ESRs. Practical Training in applications of Computer Modelling to Materials Science
**TSS: (organized by UOI, in collaboration with YR). ("From PhD to Scientific Leadership": How to write successful Research Grants. Personal Training and Career Development
(1 credit/ESR)
"Gateway to industry: Introducing materials to market. Practical aspects"
Mandatory Training (3 credits/ESR): (6 days)
Thin film deposition using physical methods
Dr. Z. Barber, UCAMMechanical testing at the micro and nanoscale: instruments and methods J-M.. Breguet,Alemnis AG Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Cambridge Experience" Dr. Y. Myint, Maxwell Centre Nanomaterials Playground: Magnetic Skymions, Magneto-Ionics and Metal Foams" Prof. K.Liu, University of California, Davis Materials Development: innovation of new materials and devices from sciences to industrialization" Dr. N.Babcsán, Aluinvent Gender and cultural diversity in scientific research" Assoc. Prof. M.Calin, IFW Small-scale machines: the role of electrochemical fabrication" Dr. S.Pané, ETH Zurich Commercialising FFC – The Metalysis Story" Dr. M.Conti, Metalysis Limited 3D printing of magnetic nanostructures for computing and sensing applications" Dr. A.Fernández-Pacheco, UCAM *NA: Visit to GRANTA company and Cavendish Laboratory
**TSS: (organized by UCAM and UAB) (1 credit/ESR)How to apply for a Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowship (MSC-IF)" Q.González, UAB How to prepare for an interview" K.Hewitt, Careers Adviser and Freelance Trainer
*NA: Visit to ALBA synchrotron (Campus UAB)
"Overview of the SELECTA achievements. Final Reporting" (3 days) UAB
Electrochemical synthesis of magnetic metallic nanostructures: Fundamentals and applications Dr. J. M. García Torres (UPC)
Single-use electrochemical power sources on paper Dr. N. Sabaté Vizcarra (CSIC-IMB-CNM) Are you ready for the next step: MSCA Individual Fellowships!? Dr. N. Tintaru (VU)
**TSS: (organized by ThePaperMill)Grantwriting training Dr. G. Lucas (ThePaperMill)
*NA: Network Activity; **TSS: Training in Soft Skills
E. Vernickaite, Z. Antar, A. Nicolenco, R. Kreivaitis, N. Tsyntsaru, H. Cesiulis Proceedings of BALTTRIB’2015, 162-169, 26 November 2015. DOI:
Toward uniform electrodeposition of magnetic Co-W mesowires arrays: direct versus pulse current deposition
N. Tsyntsaru, S. Silkin, H. Cesiulis, M. Guerrero, E. Pellicer, J. Sort
Electrochimica Acta, Volume 188, 589–601, 10 January 2016.
Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Cu-Fe nanoclusters by density functional theory calculations
C. S. Cutrano, Ch. E. Lekka
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 707, 114-119, 1-6, 15 June 2017.
Electrochemical Synthesis of Bismuth:/ Particles: Tuning Particle Shape through Substrate Type within a Narrow Potential Window
D. Bilican, J. Fornell, J. Sort, E. Pellicer
Materials 2017, Volume 10 (1), 43, 6 January 2017.
Parametric aqueous electrodeposition study and characterization of Fe–Cu films
E. Dislaki, J. Sort, E. Pellicer
Electrochimica Acta 2017, Volume 231, 739–748, 20 March 2017
Mid-term meeting of SELECTA: a European Training Network on smart electrodeposited alloys for environmentally sustainable applications
U. Klement, E. Pellicer, J. Sort
Transactions of the IMF, The International Journal of Surface Engineering and Coatings, Voume 95, 124-125, 16 May 2017.
High Friction Coefficient Materials
K. Lekovic, V. Sharma, N. Grujovic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, F. Zivic
15th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB ‘17, PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0, Kragujevac, Serbia, 17 – 19 May 2017, 128-135.
Friction Factor Of The Fluid Flow Through Porous Media
N. Palic, V. Sharma, N. Grujovic, S. Mitrovic, F. Zivic
15th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB ‘17, PROCEEDINGS, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0, Kragujevac, Serbia, 17 – 19 May 2017, 128-135.
Multiwavelength Light-Responsive Au/B-TiO2 Janus Micromotors
B. Jang, A. Hong, H. E. Kang, C. Alcantara, S. Charreyron, F. Mushtaq, E. Pellicer, R. Büchel, J. Sort, S. Sik Lee, B. J. Nelson, S. Pané
ACS Nano, Volume 11(6), 6146–6154, 7 June 2017.
Ferromagnetic-like behaviour in bismuth ferrite films prepared by electrodeposition and subsequent heat treatment
D. Bilican, E. Menéndez, J. Zhang, P. Solsona, J. Fornell, E. Pellicer, J. Sort
RSC Advances, Volume 7, 32133 – 32138, 23 June 2017.
Fe (III)-Based Ammonia-Free Bath for Electrodeposition of Fe-W Alloys
A. Nicolenco, N. Tsyntsaru, H. Cesiulis
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 164 (9) 590-596, July 2017
Corrosion studies on Fe-30Mn-1C alloy in chloride-containing solutions with view to biomedical application.
A. Gebert, F. Kochta, A. Voß, S. Oswald, M. Fernandez-Barcia, U. Kühn, J. Hufenbach.
Materials & Corrosion, Volume 69, 167-177, February 2018
Mapping of mechanical and magnetic properties of Fe-W alloys electrodeposited from Fe(III)-based glycolate-citrate bath.
A. Nicolenco, N. Tsyntsaru, J. Fornell, E. Pellicer, J. Reklaitis, D. Baltrunas, H. Cesiulis, J.Sort.
Materials & Design, Volume 139, 429-438, 5 February 2018
Electrodeposition of manganese layers from aqueous sulfate electrolytes.
M. Fernández-Barcia, V. Hoffmann, S. Oswald, L. Giebeler, U. Wolff, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert.
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 334, 261-268, 25 January 2018
In-depth characterization of as-deposited and annealed Fe-W coatings electrodeposited from glycolate-citrate plating bath
A. Mulone, A. Nicolenco, V. Hoffmann, U. Klement, N. Tsyntsaru, H. Cesiulis
Electrochimica Acta, Volume 261, 167-177, 20 January 2018
Micelle-assisted electrodeposition of mesoporous Fe-Pt smooth thin films onto various substrates and their electrocatalytic activity towards hydrogen evolution reaction.
E. Isarain-Chávez, M. D. Baró, C. Alcantara, S. Pané, J. Sort, E. Pellicer
ChemSusChem, Volume 11, 367-375, 23 January 2018
Tailoring magnetic properties of multicomponent layered structure via current annealing in FePd thin films
M. Cialone, F. Celegato, M. Coïsson, G. Barrera, G. Fiore, R. Shvab, U. Klement, P. Rizzi, P. Tiberto
Scientific Reports, Volume 7, Article number: 16691, 2017
Alkoxylated β-naphthol as an additive for tin plating from chloride and methane sulfonic acid electrolytes
S. P. Zajkoska, A. Mulone, W. E. G. Hansal, U. Klement, R. Mann, W. Kautek
Coatings. Volume 8, 79, February 2018
Formation of free-standing magnetic particles by solid-state dewetting of Fe80Pd20 thin films
G. Barrera, F. Celegato, M. Coïsson, M. Cialone, P. Rizzi, P. Tiberto
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 742, 751–758, 25 April 2018
Fabrication of sustainable hydrophobic and oleophilic pseudo-ordered macroporous Fe–Cu films with tunable composition and pore size via electrodeposition through colloidal templates
E. Dislaki, J. Pokki, S. Pané, J. Sort, E. Pellicer
Applied Materials Today, Volume 12, 1-8, September 2018
Coercivity modulation in Fe-Cu pseudo-ordered porous films controlled by an applied voltage: a sustainable, energy-efficient approach to magneto-electrically driven materials
E. Dislaki, S. Robbennolt, M. Campoy-Quiles, J. Nogués, E. Pellicer, J. Sort
Advanced Science, Volume 5, 1800499, August 2018
Electrodeposition of amorphous Fe-Cr-Ni stainless steel alloy with high corrosion resistance, low cytotoxicity and soft magnetic properties
E. Bertero, M. Hasegawa, S. Staubli, E. Pellicer, I. K. Herrmann, J. Sort, J. Michler, L. Philippe
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 349, 745-75, 15 September 2018
Enhanced mechanical properties and microstructural modifications in electrodeposited Fe-W alloys through controlled heat treatments
A. Mulone, A. Nicolenco, J. Fornell, E. Pellicer, N. Tsyntsaru, H. Cesiulis, J. Sort, U. Klement
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 350, 20-30, 25 September 2018
Fe–Co magnetic nanoclusters by density functional theory calculations
C. S. Cutrano, Ch. E. Lekka
Materials Science and Technology, Volume 34, 1575-1581, 2018.
Growth and characterization of in-situ formed Fe-TiN nanocomposite sputter-deposited coatings
S. Thirumalai, Z. H. Barber, J. A. Williams, A. L. Greer
Surface and Coatings Technology, Available online 17 November 2018, In Press, Accepted Manuscript.
3D Fabrication of Fully Iron Magnetic Microrobots
C. Alcantara, S. Kim, S. Lee, B. Jang, P. Thakolkaran, J-Y. Kim, H. Choi, B.J. Nelson, S. Pane
Small, 1805006, 04 March 2019
Name (affiliation) |
Event (activity) |
Date |
Location |
Prof. J. Sort (UAB) |
2015 EMN Spain (invited talk) |
1-4 September 2015 |
San Sebastian, Spain |
M. Fernández (IFW) |
Ph.D. Student seminar of the Institute of Complex Materials of the IFW Dresden (oral talk) |
27-29 October 2015 |
Holzhau, Erzgebirge, Germany |
M. Cialone (INRIM) |
Italian School on Magnetism (poster) |
18-12 April 2016 |
Milano, Italy |
V. Sharma (FINK) |
XVIII YUCORR International Conference (poster) |
15 April 2016 |
Tara, Serbia |
D. Bilican (UAB) E. Dislaki (UAB) |
Meet the fellows 2016 (oral talk) |
22 April 2016 |
Madrid, Spain |
Prof. H. Cesiulis (VU) |
Chemistry and chemical technology 2016 (invited talk) |
28-29 April 2016 |
Vilnius, Lithuania |
A. Nicolenco (VU) |
Chemistry and chemical technology 2016 (poster) |
28-29 April 2016 |
Vilnius, Lithuania |
Prof. C. Lekka (UOI) |
Computational studies of metallic-hybridic materials (training seminar) |
4 May 2016 |
UAB, Barcelona, Spain |
Prof. J. Sort (UAB) |
The Armourers and Brasiers’ Cambridge Forum (invited talk) |
14 June 2016 |
Cambridge, United Kingdom |
S. Thirumalai (UCAM) S. Kurdi (UCAM) W. Hüttenes (UCAM) |
The Armourers and Brasiers’ Cambridge Forum (poster) |
14 June 2016 |
Cambridge, United Kingdom |
S. Kurdi (UCAM) W. Hüttenes (UCAM) |
International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (poster) |
1 July 2016 |
University of Porto, Portugal |
C. Cutrano (UOI) |
13th international conference on nanosciences and nanotechnologies NN16 (poster) |
5-8 July 2016 |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
W. Hüttenes (UCAM) |
Junior Euromat 2016 (poster) |
10-14 July 2016 |
Lausanne, Switzerland |
Dr. A. Gebert (IFW) |
Gordon Conference on Aqueous Corrosion Place (invited talk) |
10-15 July 2016 |
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, USA |
M. Cialone (INRIM) |
EMSA 2016 (poster) |
12-15 July 2016 |
Torino, Italy |
A. Nicolenco (VU) |
8th international conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (oral talk) |
12-16 September 2016 |
Chisinau, Moldova |
V. Sharma (FINK) |
The Ninth International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Materials 2016“ (poster) |
4-5 September 2016 |
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
C. Cutrano (UOI) |
XXXII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (poster) |
18-20 September 2016 |
University of Ioannina, Greece |
A. Nicolenco (VU) |
E-MRS Fall meeting (poster) |
19-22 September 2016 |
Warsaw, Poland |
M. Cialone (INRIM) |
7th young researcher meeting (poster) |
24-26 September 2016 |
INRIM, Torino, Italy |
A. Mulone (CHAL) |
Seminar series of the Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology at Chalmers (oral talk) |
10 October 2016 |
Gothenburg, Sweeden |
Dr. J. Malapeira (UAB) |
Info day : Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (oral talk) |
26 October 2016 |
UAB, Bellaterra, Spain |
M. Fernández (IFW) |
Ph.D. Student seminar of the Institute of Complex Materials of the IFW Dresden (oral talk) |
26-28 October 2016 |
Krippen, Saxony, Germany |
E. Bertero (EMPA) |
EPFL – TIC Laboratory (oral talk) |
10 November 2016 |
Lausanne, Switzerland |
E. Bertero (EMPA) |
EMPA PhD students’ Symposium (poster) |
14 November 2016 |
Dübendorf, Switzerland |
E. Bertero (EMPA) |
CCMX Winter SchoolCCMX Winter School“Additive manufacturing in metals andthe materials science behind it”(attendance) |
29January 2017 |
Kandersteg, Switzerland |
Antonio Mulone (CHALMERS), Aliona Nicolenco (UV), Aliona Nicolenco (UV), Mónica Fernández(IFW) |
Open Readings 2017 (60thOpen Readings 2017 (60thinternational conference for students ofphysics and natural sciences) |
14-17 March 2017 |
Vilnius, Lithuania |
Evangelia Dislaki(UAB), Mónic fernández (IFW) |
2017 MCAA Conference and General Assembly (poster) |
24-25 March 2017 |
Salamanca, Spain |
Prof. Henrikas Cesiulis (VU) |
20 YEARS SUPPORTING RESEARCHERS (Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions) (invited talk) |
7 April 2017 |
Lithuanian Research Council, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Sundararajan Thirumalai (UCAM) |
MRS (Materials Research Society's) |
17-21 April 2017 |
Phoenix, USA |
Evangelia Dislaki(UAB) |
E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) (oral talk) |
22-26 May 2017 |
Strasbourg, France |
Doga Bilican (UAB) |
IOP Plasmas, Surfaces and Thin Films: Early Career Researchers Meeting (poster) |
22 June 2017 |
University of Loughborough, Leicestershire, England. |
Doga Bilican (UAB) |
13th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC13) (poster) |
10-13 July 2017 |
Liverpool, England |
Sundararajan Thirumalai (UCAM) |
12th International workshop on electrodeposited nanostructures (oral talk) |
16-18 July 2017 |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
Sundararajan Thirumalai (UCAM) |
2nd International Summer School on Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces (poster) |
24-28 July 2017 |
Aveiro, Portugal |
Dr. Natalia Tintaru (VU) |
CEEC-TAC4 (4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry) (oral talk) |
31 August 2017 |
Chisinau, Moldova |
C. Cutrano (UOI) |
EUROMAT 2017 (European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes) (poster) |
17-22 September 2017 |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
E. Dislaki (UAB) |
EUROMAT 2017 (European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes) (oral talk) |
17-22 September 2017 |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
Wilhelm Hüttenes (UCAM) |
EUROMAT 2017 (European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes) (oral talk) |
17-22 September 2017 |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
E. Bertero (EMPA) |
Empa PhD Symposium 2017: Standing on the shoulder of giants (poster) |
13 November 2017 |
Dübendorf, Switzerland |
A. Nicolenco (VU) |
BALTTRIB'2017 (oral talk) |
16-17 December 2017 |
Kaunas, Lithuania |
S. Kurdi (UCAM) |
2018 Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions (oral talk) |
11-16 March 2018 |
Berlin, Germany |
E. Dislaki (UAB) |
2018 EMN Milan Meeting (invited talk) |
9-13 July 2018 |
Milan, Italy |
S. Kurdi (UCAM) |
International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) (oral talk) |
19 July 2018 |
San Francisco, USA |