University of Cambridge (UCAM)
The University of Cambridge (UCAM) is represented in this network by its Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy (DMSM). DMSM has 30 academic staff (established faculty and senior research fellows), more than 50 administrative, technical and support staff, ~80 postdoctoral researchers, ~130 research students, as well as nearly 30 visiting scientists at any time.
External research income is currently over £10M per year of which 37% by total value comes from the EC, 32% from the EPSRC (UK), and 21% from industry. The EC funding in recent years has included ERC awards of 5 Advanced Grants and 4 Starting/Consolidator Grants. Research specialisms are: structural materials, device materials, materials chemistry, medical & pharmaceutical materials, and electron microscopy. In 2013, DMSM moved into new purpose-built laboratories.
Street: 27 Charles Babbage Road
Postcode: CB3 0FS
Country: United Kingdom
Contact Person: Prof. Alan Lindsay Greer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +44 1223 334308
Fax: +44 1223 334567