Open Readings 2017


Open Readings 2017

Three SELECTA ESRs, namely Aliona Nicolenco (VU), Antonio Mulone (CHALMERS) and Mónica Fernández (IFW), participated in the “Open Readings 2017” (60th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences) which took place in Vilnius on 14-17 March 2017. This meeting was intended as an international academic platform for young researchers from all over the world to present their ongoing research results in the fields of physics and natural sciences. Each of the three ESRs presented a poster showing their latest results obtained within the framework of the SELECTA network (see below). In addition, they took the opportunity to discuss, learn, share their scientific experience and attend lectures provided by top-class experts of the field such as: John Ellis, Ben Feringa (Nobel prize winner in chemistry 2016), Naomi Halas, etc. To get further details on the activities of the event see below: “Open Readings 2017 program”.


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[ Open Readings 2017 program ]


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[ Poster Aliona Nicolenco ]


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[ Poster Antonio Mulone ]


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[ Poster Mónica Fernández ]



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642642


SELECTA is a highly interdisciplinary initiative which has the primary goal of training young researchers in the field of smart electrodeposited metallic alloys suitable for environmental / sustainable development applications.



SELECTA project is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that offers the possibility to pursue the PhD within the Network at different research centers.15 PhD positions are funded by the European Community under Horizon 2020 




SELECTA seeks to achieve the target purposes using a sustainable approach, designing alloy compositions without/with minimum amounts of scarce or toxic elements, while employing environmentally-friendly, minimally invasive electrolytic baths.