Final Workshop (UAB)
The Final Workshop of the SELECTA project took place on 26th – 29th of August 2018 at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, in Barcelona, Spain. This event was organized by UAB (coordinator institution) and it was entitled: “Overview of the SELECTA achievements. Final Reporting”. On Monday 27th, the ESRs delivered 20 minutes presentations to show their latest results. After each presentation, 10 minutes for questions and comments were allocated. In turn, during the management session, the members of the Consortium gathered together to discuss the last management issues of the project. The following day, a guided tour to synchrotron ALBA was scheduled. Two scientists in charge of the synchrotron beam-lines showed the large-scale facility and explained in detail their own work. In the afternoon, all the participants visited Sitges and had dinner in this nice seaside village. Scientific lectures and soft skills training on grant writing were provided to the ESRs on the last day of the workshop. To get further information on the activities of the event, please see below the SELECTA Final Workshop programme.
2018 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting
On Friday 6th of April 2018 at 9:15 am, Prof. Christina Lekka, from University of Ioannina, delivered an invited talk entitled: “On the design of Fe-X (X=Cu and Co) Nanoclusters and coatings with improve magnetic moment by density functional theory”, at the 2018 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. This interdisciplinary and international forum, which took place on 2nd-6th April 2018 at the Convention Center of Phoenix, Arizona, gathered together around 4200 participants and 50 parallel sessions. The meeting provided a window to the future of materials sciences and offered an opportunity for researchers to exchange technical information and network with colleagues. To get further information on this event, please check the 2018 MRS Spring Meeting website:
SELECTA Final Workshop
The next event of the SELECTA network will be the SELECTA Final Workshop entitled “Overview of the SELECTA achievements. Final Reporting”. The meeting will be organized by UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and it will take place on 27th-29th August at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, Castelldefels, Barcelona. This last event of the network is intended to overview the scientific and technological output of the project. During the Final Workshop the SELECTA ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) will present the results achieved during their PhD. The future exploitation of SELECTA results and the preparation of the Final Report will also be tackled during the workshop. Further information, such as programme, registration process and accommodation details, will be available soon.
Licentiate seminar: Antonio Mulone
On Thursday, March 22nd, Antonio Mulone, SELECTA ESR (Early Stage Researcher) from Chalmers, will deliver his licentiate seminar. This mid-examination will take place in VDL, Hörsalsvägen 7A, Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg. The title of the presentation is “Characterization of Electrodeposited Fe-based Metallic Coatings: Toward a Sustainable Approach” and the discussion leader of the session will be Associate Professor Caterina Zanella, from Jönköping University. To get further information on this event, please see below the official announcement of the licentiate presentation.
[ Antonio Mulone Licenciate Presentation ]
SELECTA Winter School (UCAM)
The SELECTA winter school entitled “Gateway to industry: Introducing materials to market. Practical aspects” was organized by UCAM (University of Cambridge) on 7-12 January 2018. The network members gathered together aiming to provide training to the ESRs (Early Stage Researchers). The training in soft skills included a presentation on how to apply for Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowship (MSC-IF) and a whole day training on how to prepare for a job interview. The main goal of this session was to prepare the ESRs for their future job interviews. For this, ‘mock’ job interviews were performed. Each ESR delivered a 12 minutes presentation to apply for one of the three job offers proposed (industry, publishing or university). Afterwards, the ESR was interviewed by a panel of three senior researchers who provided feedback at the end of the interview. The scientific lectures of the event were scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday. Among the activities of the winter school, visits to GRANTA and to Cavendish Lavoratory were also arranged by the UCAM organizing team. During the management session several network issues were tackled, such as financial aspects, reporting, dissemination and future steps of the project. To get further information on the training in soft skills, scientific lectures and activities organized during the SELECTA winter school, see below the programme of the event.
[ SELECTA Winter School Programme 2018 ]
International Conference Balttrib’2017
The SELECTA team from Vilnius University participated in the International Conference Balttrib’2017. This event took place on 16-17 November 2017 at the Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Kaunas, Lithuania. The conference gathered together leading experts and professionals of the field to share knowledge and experiences and discuss the latest industry trends. The principal investigator of the Vilnius University group, Prof. Henrikas Cesiulis, delivered a plenary presentation entitled: “Trends in Iron-Group Metals Based Protective Coatings: The Role of Hydrofobicity”. In turn, the SELECTA ESR, Aliona Nicolenco, gave an oral presentation entitled: “Wear Resistance of Electrodeposited Fe-W Alloys under Dry and Lubricating Conditions”. See below the programme of the International Conference Balttrib’2017.
SELECTA Winter School organized by University of Cambridge
The SELECTA winter school entitled “Gateway to industry: Introducing materials to market. Practical aspects” will be held on 7-12 January 2017 at UCAM (University of Cambridge), United Kingdom. All the ESRs of the network will attend several scientific lectures and training in soft skills will be provided. The ESRs will be trained on interview skills to prepare them to face future job interviews. Another training activity, which will be optional, will be the preparation by the ESRs of a 3-4 minutes showcase video on each particular PhD topic. These videos will be prepared in advance, they will be projected during the event and afterwards they will be used to disseminate the SELECTA outcome. The senior researcher will also participate in the winter school activities and they will gather together to discuss several management issues of the network during the management session. See below the procedure required to book the accommodation of the participants and a preliminary agenda. Information on how to pay the registration fees will be available soon.
[ Winter School Accommodation ]
4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
On 31 August 2017, Dr. Natalia Tintaru delivered an oral talk in CEEC-TAC4 (4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry) which took place in Chisinau, Moldova. The presentation, entitled: “Investigation of Thermal Stability of Fe-W Alloys Electrodeposited from Glycolate-citrate Plating Bath”, showed the latest research results obtained in a joint collaboration between the SELECTA partners: Vilnius University and Chalmers University of Technology. The main goal of CEEC-TAC is to gather scientists from Central and Eastern Europe to present their work, explain their results and discuss the encountered scientific and technical problems of theoretical and applied thermal sciences. Besides, researchers in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry from all over the world are invited to share experiences and knowledge with those working in complementary fields or just using thermo-analytical techniques. To get further information on the activities of the conference please check the following link:
SELECTA Summer School organized by University of Ioannina
The SELECTA Summer School entitled “Gateway to Academics: Materials modelling for target applications” was held on 3-7 September 2017 in Ioannina, Greece. This event, organized by the University of Ioannina, gathered together the fifteen ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) and the senior researchers of the network. The introductory comments were delivered by the meeting organizer (Assoc. Prof. Christina Lekka), the coordinator (Prof. Jordi Sort) and the training manager (Dr. Eva Pellicer). Afterwards, Lotte Jaspers from the Associated Partner YR (Yellow Research) provided the training in soft skills on how to write successful research grants, personal training and career development. The mandatory training of the Summer School was focused on materials modelling and design for target applications and the ESRs also received a practical training in computer modelling to materials science. In turn, the ESRs presented their latest scientific results through a poster session and they got feedback from the senior researchers. During the management session, the Supervisory Board members tackled several management aspects, such as financial details, dissemination of the project, future steps of the network and implementation of the secondments.
2017 MCAA Conference and General Assembly
Three SELECTA ESRs (early stage researchers), Evangelia Dislaki (UAB), Mónica Fernández (IFW) and Sundararajan Thirumalai (UCAM), participated in the “2017 MCAA Conference and General Assembly” which was held on 24-25 March 2017 in Salamanca, Spain. This event was organized by the University of Salamanca, in cooperation with the MCAA Spain/Portugal Chapter, and the program covered the main areas of interests of the MCAA members in terms of career, networking and societal challenges. The participants also actively contributed in the poster session. Evangelia Dislaki presented a poster entitled: “Growth of sustainable, rare-earth- and noble-metal-free metallic coatings via electrodeposition” and Mónica Fernández presented a poster entitled: “Electrodeposition of manganese layers from aqueous electrolytes”. These two ESRs were also asked to record a brief video to encourage people to apply for Marie Curie actions. Further information about the activities of the event is provided below: “2017 MCAA Conference and General Assembly Program”.