Final Workshop (UAB)


Final Workshop (UAB)

The Final Workshop of the SELECTA project took place on 26th – 29th of August 2018 at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, in Barcelona, Spain. This event was organized by UAB (coordinator institution) and it was entitled: “Overview of the SELECTA achievements. Final Reporting”. On Monday 27th, the ESRs delivered 20 minutes presentations to show their latest results. After each presentation, 10 minutes for questions and comments were allocated. In turn, during the management session, the members of the Consortium gathered together to discuss the last management issues of the project. The following day, a guided tour to synchrotron ALBA was scheduled. Two scientists in charge of the synchrotron beam-lines showed the large-scale facility and explained in detail their own work. In the afternoon, all the participants visited Sitges and had dinner in this nice seaside village. Scientific lectures and soft skills training on grant writing were provided to the ESRs on the last day of the workshop. To get further information on the activities of the event, please see below the SELECTA Final Workshop programme.


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[ SELECTA Programme ]


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642642


SELECTA is a highly interdisciplinary initiative which has the primary goal of training young researchers in the field of smart electrodeposited metallic alloys suitable for environmental / sustainable development applications.



SELECTA project is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that offers the possibility to pursue the PhD within the Network at different research centers.15 PhD positions are funded by the European Community under Horizon 2020 




SELECTA seeks to achieve the target purposes using a sustainable approach, designing alloy compositions without/with minimum amounts of scarce or toxic elements, while employing environmentally-friendly, minimally invasive electrolytic baths.