SELECTA Mid-term review meeting and Workshop organized by CHALMERS


SELECTA Mid-term review meeting and Workshop organized by CHALMERS

The SELECTA Mid-term review meeting and Workshop was held on 5-9 December 2016 in Goteborg, Sweden. All the ESRs and at least one representative of each Beneficiary and Associated partners participated in the meeting. During the Workshop, entitled: “Bridging innovation and entrepreneurship with sustainable materials development”, the ESRs attended several lectures on sustainability, innovation and the EBSD technique. The training in soft skills, provided to the ESRs by Chalmers Ventures, was focused on innovation aspects. In turn, the ESRs presented their latest results and they prepared the presentations for the Project Officer. A lab tour was also scheduled to show the facilities of Chalmers University of Technology.

The Mid-term review meeting started on Thursday at 14:00. After the introduction by the Project Officer, a representative of each of the SELECTA partners presented their institution and their role within the network. Then, the Coordinator, the Training Manager and the Project Manager presented the network and the mid-term report covering scientific, training, networking and management aspects. Subsequently, the SELECTA fellows introduced themselves and presented their project, training activities and results obtained so far. On Friday, the Project Officer met the ESRs altogether in a session to discuss administrative, supervision, training and integration issues. Afterwards, the partners also met the Project Officer to tackle financial and management aspects. Finally, the Project Officer provided her feedback concerning the performance of the network to all the participants.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642642


SELECTA is a highly interdisciplinary initiative which has the primary goal of training young researchers in the field of smart electrodeposited metallic alloys suitable for environmental / sustainable development applications.



SELECTA project is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that offers the possibility to pursue the PhD within the Network at different research centers.15 PhD positions are funded by the European Community under Horizon 2020 




SELECTA seeks to achieve the target purposes using a sustainable approach, designing alloy compositions without/with minimum amounts of scarce or toxic elements, while employing environmentally-friendly, minimally invasive electrolytic baths.