SELECTA Final Workshop (UAB)
The next event of the SELECTA network will be the Final Workshop entitled: “Overview of the SELECTA achievements. Final Reporting”. The workshop will take place on 26th -29th of August at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, located in Castelldefels, very close to the airport of Barcelona. This last event of the network is intended to overview the scientific and technological output of the project. Besides scientific lectures and training in soft skills, a visit to the synchrotron ALBA will also be scheduled. In turn, the ESRs will deliver a presentation to explain the progress and scientific results of the last year and the relevant achievements of the project. Please use the template provided below to prepare this presentation (ESR presentation template). The programme of the event is also provided below (SELECTA Final Workshop programme).
Regarding the accommodation, there are blocked rooms at a discounted rate for the workshop participants, which will be available until the 31st of July. To book your rooms you should fill the reservation form (provided below) and send it by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, please find below a file with detailed instructions on how to pay the registration fees (Registration fees Final Workshop).
[SELECTA Final Workshop Programme ]
[ Registration fees Final Workshop ]